2022 Apra-NW Virtual Conference
Thursday, May 19, 2022
9:30 AM-4:00 PM
Join Apra-NW for our 2022 annual conference!
The cost is FREE for Apra-NW members and $50 for non-members.
9:30 Welcome & Opening remarks:
Apra – NW President Amelia Hooper, University of Puget Sound
9:45 – 11:00 Session 1: CRM Conversion Experiences
1. Anne Geiger, University of Montana Foundation
2. Jess Balsam, University of Washington
3. We would like to hear from more members who have seen a change in business practices post conversion!
11:00 Jacqueline North, Client Success Manager – iWave
11:15 Break
11:30 Keynote Presentation – Kevin Parker, Whitworth Institute of Leadership
Resilience is not about knowing what perfect looks like, but what better looks like. How stress impacts the brain, and what we can do to live a more resilient life employing several proven tools.
1:00 Lunch
1:30 Chapter update and business meeting
2:00 Roundtable Session A
* Leadership Transitions
* Big news from your organization
* DEI advancements you have seen at your organization
2:30 Break
2:45 Session 2: Melody Heaton, Asian Opera Alliance, Inland Northwest Opera
How the Asian Opera Alliance is using data to strive for equity in opera.
3:45 Announcements and Wrap Up
4:00 Roundtable Session B
Fun Topics / Happy Hour
Keynote Speaker - Kevin Parker, Chair, Whitworth Institute of Leadership
Kevin Parker is an entrepreneur who owns the Dutch Bros. 11 locations in the Spokane region with more than 250 employees. Spokane Dutch Bros is the company’s third largest franchise in the country. Kevin & his wife, Kerry pioneered Dutch Bros. in the state of Washington.
He was also a former member of Washington’s legislature, a former advisor to a senior member of Congress, and a professor in leadership studies at Whitworth University. He was also a facilitator in Adaptive Leadership course at Harvard University. Kevin was also awarded a fellowship at the Aspen Institute and enthusiastically continues his involvement there.
Perhaps most notably, he is a survivor of the shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 which began his intense interest in the topic of leading well.
Since being at Whitworth, Kevin founded the Institute of Leadership, the Executive Leadership Concentration, the Sun Valley Seminar, and the newly formed Master’s in Business Leadership (the first of its kind in the country).
Kevin has been awarded Citizen of the Year twice. Once for Spokane, and once for Washington state. He has won more than thirty awards, and received accommodation from the United States Congress in 2017. He also was awarded Faculty Member of the year at Whitworth University’s MBA department.
He served as a state Representative in the Washington State Legislature for four terms and served most of his time in politics as a budget negotiator the states 36 billion budget.
He is currently working on his PhD in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University. His ideas and approach about servant-leadership have been published in the International Journal of Servant Leadership. He is finishing his dissertation on resilience and adaptive leadership.
Kevin also privately coaches individuals & businesses to help people maximize their leadership growth, culture, and profits. His coaching focus is in the area of growth of the organizational leaders, creating high performing teams, and organizational culture. He tells his clients if profit doesn’t increase 10% after a year, to fire him.
Questions? Contact Apra-NW Conference Chair Kimberly Babb.
Thank you to APRA NW Sponsors: